Last night I went into the sewing room to cut some fabric and noticed that Rico didn't come out for his food. I found him curled up on his bed and he wouldn't get up. So hubby came in and carried him into our room. He was very weak and couldn't stand up on his own. We got him to drink a little water but he would not eat anything. This morning hubby went to the store and bought some kitten milk hoping that would help him get some nutrients but he wasn't interested. While I was in Virginia this afternoon hubby called to let me know that Rico was gone. We don't know what happened to him, the only thing we can figure out is that he was lonely without his roomie Jade and just gave up. He was almost 14 years old and was hubby's "Little Man". He is burried in the back yard right outside our bedroom slider so he will always be close to us. I will really miss my "neckwarmer" this winter. Sleep well little man.....
Oh, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend.
So sorry...and so soon after your previous loss.
That is so sad! We get so attached to our little furry animals and it is hard to give them up.
I'm very sorry for the loss of your much loved friend.
How very sad. Sometimes they fade so quickly don't they, and are gone before we can do anything for them. I lost two cats in just a few weeks three years ago, and it's heartbreaking. Do you have any other cats?
I'm so sorry.
love and hugs xxx
So sorry to hear your news. Sending you cyber (((hugs)))
Tears came to my eyes when I read your post...I have three furry friends that I love dearly. My heart feels for your loss.
Do something that makes you happy this week.
OH, I am so sorry! This has been a very bad month in blogland and around here for people losing their fur-babies. I really hate to hear this. {{{HUGS}}} to you and hubby on your loss.
AAwwww Beth....I am really sorry.
I'm sorry to read of your loss. I hope you're feeling better soon. Of course, an afternoon with Bonnie may have helped a lot.
I'm so sorry about Rico. It's really hard to lose a loved pet. Lots of cyber hugs.
Losing a pet is so very hard. Sending cyber hugs your way!
Saying good bye is the hardest part about owning a pet. He will always be in your hearts.
Pat H.
Oh, I am so sorry.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers are with you.
Sherry V.
I am so sorry. I know how hard it is to lose them.
Oh Beth I'm so sorry, last year the same thing happened to me. First the dog and then my cat. DS swears it was because he missed the dog- they were best buddies :(
I love the valances, are those blocks from Cheryl? Your blocks made into a wall hanging are hanging in hubby's office :)
Bonnie's coming to my guild next spering and I can't wait :)
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